XcN is continuing their journey into the international competitive scene. They've already faced MYM, and now it's time to face the gods--- TeG in the ESL Major Series tournament.
XcN showed a powerful performance against MYM, almost defeating them with their early game dominance. Unfortunately for them, their efforts were not enough to overcome the lategame bristleback. Otherwise, they have won 2 other matches in their group for the EMS tournament.
TeG has improved a lot in the scene over the past few months. Not only did they win first place at the Miage LAN tournament, but they've had good standing in MYM Prime Defending and were the last invite into PDL.
It is always interesting to see some of Asia's finest compete against some of the world's best!
Brief game review:
Both teams jungled heroes leaving their solo lanes weak. The necrolyte for XcN could not take the Sven/Leshrac lane and the Bird's potm fell hard to the sand king/lina lane. Meanwhile, Queen of Pain farmed amazingly against the zeus, getting an early guinsoo at 28 minutes.
The POTM died a lot early gaming, sand/king lina countered her pefectly forcing her to go bracers and a strong delay in getting any damage items. With the early kills, Lina was able to get a dagger and keep the map warded more.
Lakuci farmed amazingly with TB, getting an early sange and yasha and later a Butterfly. The strong TB/Necrolye combo gave centaur a rough game and it was hard for the farmed sven to counter it at all.
The sven was able to get his BKB fast, as well as a MOM thanks to early kills. There was one instance where the sven and leshrac were chasing down the necrolyte on top lane, QoP teleported in to help but she missed her sonic wave. This allowed the sven to get a double kill on the QoP and Necrolyte putting him at 4-0.
Although TeG's centaur and sven farmed really well, it was not enough to counter an overfarmed queen of pain and terrorblade. The score was pretty even throughout the game, but once TB got his butterfly and XcN had an advantage in kills, they pushed down mid rax causing TeG to call it "gg."
Source : myMYM
Friday, May 16, 2008
XcN knocks out the gods
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Prime Defending League : Participating teams announced
Prime Defending, also known by its alias PriDe, is without a doubt the world’s biggest and most famous DotA tournament. Now Prime Defending gets a new big brother, we proudly present what will be the world’s most prestige full DotA league: Prime Defending League (PDL)
Prime Defending League (PDL) will consist of the 12 best teams in the world, of which 6 have been directly invited for the first season of PDL. The remaining 6 teams has been found via Prime Defending #10, which served as the qualifier for PDL.
The original invited teams included Virtus.Pro, but due to multiple violations of the rules, the team has been excluded from PDL. Instead the tournament organizers have decided to include the Indonesian team XcN in the invitees.
The invited teams:
* KS
* SK
* XcN
* WG
* TeG
The Qualified teams:
* SGC (3rd place)
* Met (4th place)
* x6 (5-6th place)
* Mouz (5-6th place)
* Q (7-8th place)
The place indicates what place the team finished at in Prime Defending 10. The last team in Prime Defending League will have to be determined from a tie breaker, as Avid, srs and swift were knocked out at the same place.
Source myMYM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Dota Personality Test
Buck[354 and Shadowplay created a personality test to show us our personality when playing DotA.
Unlike other Dota personality tests you might have tried this test is based upon real psychology being the works of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.
Take the test
My DotA Personality Test result:
You are a General
strategist of the game. He will outpick, outlane and outplay any opponent. By
sheer determination and leadership he will bring his opponents to their knees.
As soon the game starts, a Rationalist will have a battleplan ready and any
marginally intelligent team mate will be wise to follow his command. They make
for natural team captains and they are very skilled at delivering concise orders to
their team in a matter of seconds. A typical comment from the opponents team when you
have an rationalist on your team would be "Omfg we just died and we didnt even
hit them once?!"

Renge's DotA Personality Test result:
The Walking Fountain, known as the "Guardian" in the Jungian typology, is typically the
communicative player who coorporate with his or her team in every aspect of the game. He
is highly skilled in the ingame logistics and he has a way of always being there when he
is needed. Opponents to a team with a true Guardian will have a very hard time making
any ganks and even when they do, they rarely get anything worth the effort from it. He
tends to favour support heroes and whenever he is near, a true hurricane of well placed
buffs, heals, silences and disables is unleashed, severely crippling any enemy.

What your DotA Personality??
post your DotA personality in comment or contact me to put it in my post =)