Buck[354 and Shadowplay created a personality test to show us our personality when playing DotA.
Unlike other Dota personality tests you might have tried this test is based upon real psychology being the works of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.
Take the test
My DotA Personality Test result:
You are a General
The General, known as "Rationalist" in the Jungian typology is usually the
strategist of the game. He will outpick, outlane and outplay any opponent. By
sheer determination and leadership he will bring his opponents to their knees.
As soon the game starts, a Rationalist will have a battleplan ready and any
marginally intelligent team mate will be wise to follow his command. They make
for natural team captains and they are very skilled at delivering concise orders to
their team in a matter of seconds. A typical comment from the opponents team when you
have an rationalist on your team would be "Omfg we just died and we didnt even
hit them once?!"
strategist of the game. He will outpick, outlane and outplay any opponent. By
sheer determination and leadership he will bring his opponents to their knees.
As soon the game starts, a Rationalist will have a battleplan ready and any
marginally intelligent team mate will be wise to follow his command. They make
for natural team captains and they are very skilled at delivering concise orders to
their team in a matter of seconds. A typical comment from the opponents team when you
have an rationalist on your team would be "Omfg we just died and we didnt even
hit them once?!"

Renge's DotA Personality Test result:
You are the Walking Fountain
The Walking Fountain, known as the "Guardian" in the Jungian typology, is typically the
communicative player who coorporate with his or her team in every aspect of the game. He
is highly skilled in the ingame logistics and he has a way of always being there when he
is needed. Opponents to a team with a true Guardian will have a very hard time making
any ganks and even when they do, they rarely get anything worth the effort from it. He
tends to favour support heroes and whenever he is near, a true hurricane of well placed
buffs, heals, silences and disables is unleashed, severely crippling any enemy.
The Walking Fountain, known as the "Guardian" in the Jungian typology, is typically the
communicative player who coorporate with his or her team in every aspect of the game. He
is highly skilled in the ingame logistics and he has a way of always being there when he
is needed. Opponents to a team with a true Guardian will have a very hard time making
any ganks and even when they do, they rarely get anything worth the effort from it. He
tends to favour support heroes and whenever he is near, a true hurricane of well placed
buffs, heals, silences and disables is unleashed, severely crippling any enemy.

What your DotA Personality??
post your DotA personality in comment or contact me to put it in my post =)
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